Inżynieria Ruchu Morskiego - Marine Traffic Engineering

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The training offered in the MTE include:

  • STCWModel Courses - IMO (for more information see: SDKO, CIRM);
  • Specialized training for captains, pilots, officers (under the newly-developed port, change the rules, etc.);
  • Co- operation Pilot - Tug - VTS;

We are certified by DNV compliance with the requirements of the Convention STCW'95 on the training of crews  and keeping watch (compliance with Section AI/12, BI/12 section, table A-II / 1, Table A-II / 2, and Table A-II / 3) .

We are approved training and research center by the Swedish Maritime Administration (Sjöfartsverket) and by the Polish Maritime Administration. We cooperate with other centers in Poland, Sweden and Denmark.

Visit also our training facility for FMS & DP web site: CIRM

More info is provided by: MTE office