Inżynieria Ruchu Morskiego - Marine Traffic Engineering

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Aim of the project

Creation of the integrated simulation system for inland shipping will be the main effect of the project. The simulator will allow for visualization of most navigation and maneuverability processes in a variety of inland waterway vessels (standard units) maneuvering on various inland navigation waters (river, canal, lock, port and others). The simulator will be built as non-autonomous it means that human (navigator) will be handling and controlling the inland waterway vessel via a set of interfaces which is similar to the real equipment. Information will be received through the 3D visualization system and indicators identical to those actual encountered on the inland units. Functional prototype built under the project will consist of the real equipment and software. It will be built in an open architecture that is enabling the creation of new maneuvering and navigation areas, simulation scenarios and new models of units. With such approach will be also possible to add new navigation devices, and grouping several simulators in sets which will be mutually visible and interacting with each other through ship-ship interaction models and communications systems.  The simulator will also enable for dynamic changing of navigation conditions including hydro-meteorological conditions (wind, current, visibility, time of day, etc.). It is assumed that new simulation system will be able to perform two major functions: didactic and scientific research.

Training Issue

Didactics function of the simulator through it’s highly compatibility with the reality will enable for the efficient training of inland shipping captains. The training will be facilitated by the possibility of construction of any scenario: selection of type of vessel, area, other vessels simulation, aids to navigation and meteorological conditions. Through the ability to record simulation data effective assessment of navigators’ maneuvers can be perform. The simulator will have the playback functions and the participant evaluation module according to the set of indicators (distance from the reference trajectory, maneuver time etc.). Conduct training using simulators is now a leading trend in all transport branches (air, sea, rail and road). The main feature of the simulator is the possibility of acquiring knowledge without risking the damage of maneuvering vessel in different waters under various conditions. Simulation training will include also students of Szczecin Maritime University in the framework of the existing inland shipping specialty (faculty of transport) and new sea-inland navigation specialty (faculty of navigation) opened jointly with the Technical University in St. Petersburg (Institute for Water Transportation). There are also plans to use simulator for training in secondary schools educating crew of inland shipping (inland shipping college in Naklo and Kedzierzyn-Kozle) and other training centers, as well as examination centers in RWMA (Regional Water Management Authority). Realization of these objectives will improve the safety of inland shipping by increasing the competence and skills of the crew.

Scientific Issue

The simulator will perform the important scientific research function - can be used to carry out simulation studies of new investments in inland transport sector such as ports, waterways and other hydraulic systems. A very important feature of the simulator will be ability to create any water area (even nonexistent) and external conditions that may lead to a dangerous situation, which is impossible in the real study due to the expense and risk of human life.