Inżynieria Ruchu Morskiego - Marine Traffic Engineering

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Selected analisys from recent years

  • Determination of fairway Swinoujście- Szczecin parameters on the section from 2 to 6 km, including operating conditions of the new quay on the peninsula Kosa and turnbasin in the vicinity of the northern peak of the peninsula Mieliński by means of simulation methods – navigational analysis. Research work commissioned by Projmors Designing Office For Maritime Structures Company Limited in Gdansk. MUS 2003.
  • Operating instructions of no. 2 and no. 3 stations of Sea Ferry Terminal in Swinoujscie for the ferry m / f Polonia. Research work commissioned by Euroafrica and Unity Line. MUS 2003 (main contractor).
  • Elaboration of operating instructions for no 2 and no.3 stations of Sea Ferry Terminal in Swinoujscie – for ferries of propeller shaft power up to 5,000 kW; power of the propeller shafts up to 8000 kW. Research work commissioned by Euroafrica and Unity Line. MUS 2003 (main contractor).
  • Navigational analysis of approach fairways to three  new located docks in Morska Stocznia Remontowa S.A. Research work commissioned by Projmors Designing Office For Maritime Structures Company Limited in Gdansk. MUS 2004.
  • Determinations of safe acceptable draft for ships enter the Port of Swinoujscie in various hydrometeorological conditions. Research work commissioned by the Port Handlowy Swinoujscie. MUS  2004.
  • Appendix: Determination of approach fairways depth to the Port Handlowy Swinoujscie in order to allow for safely entrance of ships with a draft up to 14 m. Research work commissioned by the Port Handlowy Swinoujscie. MUS 2004.
  • Determination of the minimum under keel clearance in Port Handlowy Swinoujscie Ltd. Research work commissioned by the Port Handlowy Swinoujscie Ltd. MUS 2004.
  • Determination of maneuvering and berthing safety of gas tankers entering the LPG terminal in Port of Gdynia as a result of its expansion - navigational analysis. Research work commissioned by PETROLINVEST - Gdynia. MUS, 2005.
  • Navigational analysis of Swinoujscie Fishery Port built in Bosmański Basin. Research work commissioned by REDAN - Office of Design and Engineering Ltd. in Szczecin. MUS, 2005.
  • Comparative analysis of the location of LNG terminal on the Polish coast. Selecting the optimal location using marine traffic engineering criteria. Research work commissioned by GAZOPROJEKT - Office of Gas Studies and Projects, Wroclaw. MUS, 2005.
  • Evaluation of navigational behavior of the ship m / f "Stena Baltica in terms of contact with the breakwater on 07/30/2005. Research work commissioned by the Maritime Office in Gdynia. MUS, 2005 (co-author).
  • Determination of the minimum safe towing service in ports: Szczecin and Police. Research work commissioned by the "Shipping Project " from Szczecin. MUS, 2005 (co-author).
  • Determination of possibility and conditions for handling vessels with a draft to 13.5 meters on the Górników Quay. Appendix to research work: Determination of an acceptable draft for vessels  enter to Port Handlowy Swinoujscie in various hydrometeorological conditions, commissioned by the Port Handlowy Swinoujscie Ltd. MUS 2005.
  • Operating instructions of stations no. 4, 5 and 6 of Sea Ferry Terminal in Swinoujscie. Commissioned by the Szczecin and Swinoujscie Seaports Authority. MUS, 2005.
  • Ferry m / f “Wawel " berthing at no. 5 station of Sea Ferry Terminal. Research work commissioned by PZB in Kolobrzeg. MUS, 2005 (co-author).
  • Navigational analysis of approach fairways to new located docks in Morska Stocznia Remontowa S.A. in Swinoujscie. Research work commissioned by Projmors Designing Office For Maritime Structures Company Limited from Gdansk. MUS, 2005.
  • Swinoujście-Szczecin fairway bend correction at the quay no. 87 in Swinoujscie (4.20 km - 5.67 km.) Research work commissioned by the Port Handlowy Swinoujscie Ltd. MUS, 2006.
  • The navigational analysis in determining berthing of maximum ferries at the station no. 6 of Sea Ferry Terminal in Swinoujscie. Research work commissioned by the Szczecin and Swinoujscie Seaports Authority, MUS 2006.
  • Concept rebuilding of eastern breakwater in Swinoujście in terms of building an LNG terminal. Research work commissioned by the Szczecin and Swinoujscie Seaports Authority, MUS 2006.
  • Navigational analysis of entering LNG carriers of capacity 200 000 m3 to Gdańsk and Świnoujście ports at polish coast. Research work commissioned by the "ILF Consulting” and PGNiG from Warsaw, MUS 2006.
  • Navigational analysis in terms of construction the station No. 1 of Sea Ferry Terminal in Swinoujscie. Research work commissioned by "Bimat"- Design Office from Szczecin, MUS 2006.
  • Feasibility study: Construction of a protective breakwater for the outer port of Swinoujscie. Research work commissioned by Szczecin and Swinoujscie Seaports Authority, MUS 2007.
  • The construction of terminal for handling LNG cargo at the protective breakwater of outer port Swinousjcie. Research work commissioned by the Szczecin and Swinoujscie Seaports Authority, MUS 2007.
  • The construction of places of refuge in the outer port of Swinoujscie. Research work commissioned by the Szczecin and Swinoujscie Seaports Authority, MUS 2007.
  • Navigational analysis of the proposed Ferry Terminal in Gdynia. Research work commissioned by the Port of Gdynia Authority, MUS 2007.
  • Navigational analysis of safety of mooring and berthing ferry "Baltivia" at the position No. 6 of Sea Ferry Terminal in Swinoujscie. Research work commissioned by the Szczecin and Swinoujscie Seaports Authority, MUS 2007.
  • Determination of conditions for safe maneuvering of m / f "Wolin in the Port of Swinoujscie - simulation study. Research work commissioned by: Unity Line. MUS 2007.
  • Determination of conditions for safe maneuvering of m / f "Wolin in the Port of Trelleborg - simulation study. Research work commissioned by: Unity Line. MUS 2007.
  • Determination of conditions for safe mooring of ferry m / f “Wolin” on station No. 3 of Sea Ferry Terminal in  Swinoujscie and the station No. 2 FL in Trelleborg. Research work commissioned by Unity Line. MUS 2007.
  • Navigational analysis of mooring and berthing operations for ferries of 190m length on stations No. 2 and 3 of Sea Ferry Terminal in Swinoujscie. Research work commissioned by the Szczecin and Swinoujscie Seaports Authority, MUS 2007.
  • Navigational analysis of possibility of ships entry to the Gdansk Repair Shipyard during building road tunnel under the Dead Vistula River on Route Sucharski to Gdansk. Research work commissioned by the Gdansk Repair Shipyard, MUS 2008.
  • Navigation analysis of the proposed ro-ro station on Rumunskie Quay in Gdynia. Research work commissioned by Redan Ltd. in Szczecin, MUS 2008.
  • Navigational analysis of the entrance to port of Kołobrzeg - the determination of port operating conditions after its reconstruction by using simulation methods. Research work commissioned by the Maritime Office in Slupsk, MUS 2008.
  • Navigational analysis of station for captive test for vessels up to 15,000 DWT, located in Szczecin Repair Shipyard GRYFIA, the Wroclawskie Quay. Research work commissioned by the Gryfia Szczecin Repair Shipyard, MUS Szczecin.
  • Computer simulation for port design and safe manoeuvring of ship. Stage 1. Simulation researches of m/f Wolin (conducted by means of PC Ship Manoeuvring Simulator). Research work commissioned by the Port of Ystad., MUS 2008.
  • Computer simulation for port design and safe manoeuvging of ship. Analysis of ferry market. Research work commissioned by the Port of Ystad., MUS 2008.
  • Computer simulation for port design and safe manoeuvring of ship. Stage 2. Simulation researches of m/f Piast (conducted by means of PC Ship Manoeuvring Simulator and Full Mission Simulator). Research work commissioned by the Port of Ystad., MUS 2008.
  • Determination of safe manoeuvring conditions in Ystad harbour for m/f Skania. Drawing up simulator based manoeuvring course program for Masters. Research work commissioned by the Port of Ystad., MUS 2008.
    • Outer port of Swinoujscie spatial development concept. Research work commissioned by the Projmors Designing Office For Maritime Structures Company Limited in Gdansk, MUS 2008.
    • Navigational analysis of outer port of Swinoujscie.  Research work  done for Maritime Office in Szczecin,  commissioned by Projmors Designing Office For Maritime Structures Company Limited in Gdansk, MUS 2008.
    • Correction of turning basin parameters in the outer port of Swinoujscie. Appendix to: navigation analysis of outer port of Swinoujscie. Research work commissioned by the Maritime Office in Szczecin, MUS 2008.
    • Navigational analysis of the construction of LNG discharging station in the outer port of Swinoujscie. Research work commissioned by the Szczecin and Swinoujscie Seaports Authority, MUS 2008.
    • Navigational analysis of the development of sation No. 6 of Sea Ferry Terminal in Swinoujscie - simulation study.  Research work commissioned by: Szczecin and Swinoujscie Seaports Authority, MUS 2008.
    • Determination of safe maneuvering conditions of newly constructed ferry length Lc = 207m in the Port of Swinoujście- simulation study. Research work commissioned by Unity Line in Szczecin, MUS  2008.

•       Determination of final safety parameters of Swinoujście-Szczecin fairway. Research work commissioned by the Szczecin and Swinoujscie Seaports Authority, MUS 2008.

•       Operating instructions of No. 6 station of Sea Ferry Terminal in Swinoujscie. Research work commissioned by the Szczecin and Swinoujscie Seaports Authority, MUS 2008.

•       Analysis of possible location of ferry stations in Bałtycki Basin- Swinoujście. Research work commissioned by Euroafrica and Unity Line, MUS 2009.

  • Navigational analysis on the modernization of the Swinoujście-Szczecin fairway (Piastowski Canal and Mieliński Canal) - phase II, east side and west. Research work commissioned by BIMOR, investor MUS, MUS 2009.
  • Operating Instructions of No. 2 and No. 3 station of Sea Ferry Terminal for ferry m / f "Polonia": propeller shafts power 8000 kW; ferries with propeller shafts power up to 5000 kW. Research work commissioned by the Maritime Office in Szczecin, MUS 2009.
    • Study of Port Handlowy Swinoujscie Ltd. final development concept. Research work commissioned by the Port Handlowy Swinoujscie Ltd., MUS 2009.
    • Navigational analysis of construction of position no. 1 of Sea Ferry Terminal in Swinoujscie. Research work commissioned by the Szczecin and Swinoujscie Seaports Authority, MUS 2010.
    • Quantitative risk analysis of offshore part of LNG terminal in Swinoujscie. Research work commissioned by the Szczecin and Swinoujscie Seaports Authority, MUS 2010.
    • Navigational analysis of the Mijanka quay adaptation in Port of Police for handle ships of 24,000 DWT. Research work commissioned by BPBM BIMOR. MUS, 2010.
    • Determination of minimum depth of approach fairway to the port of Swinoujscie to ensure the safe navigation of ships intended to operate. Research work commissioned by the Ministry of Infrastructure. MUS, 2010.
    • Final parameters of approach fairway to the Port of Swinoujscie in terms of port development with particular emphasis on container ships. Research work commissioned by the Szczecin and Swinoujscie Seaports Authority. MUS, 2010.