Inżynieria Ruchu Morskiego - Marine Traffic Engineering

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As the only company in Poland we possess equipment and qualified crew to perform even the most complex tasks/orders. The consistent policy of expansion of the tools database allow for the implementation of complex tasks.

The team of programmer of 2D and 3D, hydrodynamic modeling, UI, etc, working within a MTE team has extensive experience in modeling and simulation of advanced construction vessels.


Tools we use include both simulators regarded manufacturers such as Kongsberg and Transas (approved by DNV), and a group of specialized simulation and computational tools developed by our team. We have simulators with full visualization, Limited Task, DP ADV Simulator, and others. More information on Traffic Engineering Center web site - simulation specialist unit set up under the MTE.

Real research tools

We have an extensive database of real tools including RTK GPS systems (4 receiving), photogrammetry systems, remote sensing systems, optical, local positioning systems, inertial and many others.