Inżynieria Ruchu Morskiego - Marine Traffic Engineering

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We are pleased to announce that Navigation Technical Devices No. 2 and No. 3 were published. Works of our colleague MSc. Eng. Jakub Sklenar satisfy the demand for information on the navigation in seamanship, including treating charts and how to determine the course. Both publications have been issued in the author's native language - Czech. This is a response to the lack of publication of this kind in the Czech Republic, as the author points out in his work. The work has been favorably reviewed by Phd. Paul Zalewski.

We encourage you to become familiar with the publications:Námořní navigace v kostce and Terestrická navigace v kostce. UNT series is a series of low-budget dealing with technical navigation. Series editor is Phd. Eng. Maciej Gucma. The editorial board consists of eminent Polish scientists in the fields of navigation and transport.