Inżynieria Ruchu Morskiego - Marine Traffic Engineering

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Niemiecka Agencja Kosmiczna (DLR) wraz z Akademią Morską w Szczecinie organizują Inżynierska Szkołę Letnią w zakresie zastosowania nowoczesnych technologii satelitarnych w inżynierii ruchu morskiego. Zapraszamy chętnych studentów do uczestnictwa w tym wydarzaniu, mogącym pomóc w rozwoju własnej kariery zawodowej.

3-rd DLR Summer School

Neustrelitz-Szczecin 2011

The German Aerospace Center (DLR) is herewith inviting 14 students to take part in a one week Summer School, set in Neustrelitz and Szczecin between 27th June and 2nd July  2011, dedicated to the subject of “Space Technologies for Maritime Traffic Engineering”.

Are you a student of technical, geosciences or navigation faculty? Are you a graduate with exemplary grades or just about to complete your study? Do you have a basic knowledge of nautical topics and want to improve your skills in that area? Are you planning to steer your career into the world of merchant shipping, navigation or port management? Send your application and apply for the DLR_Summer_School! The DLR_Summer_School offers you interesting lectures, possibility to meet maritime professionals and experts, a behind-the-scenes insight into vessel traffic management systems, bridge simulators, as well as tours of interesting places of action. DLR is reimbursing the students‘ travel and accommodation expenses. No tuition is required.

Applications in English, including résumé and cover letter, shall be sent on paper 
to the following address:
Peter Poete
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)
Linder Höhe
51147 Köln

The application deadline is 31th
May 2011

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