Inżynieria Ruchu Morskiego - Marine Traffic Engineering

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Niemiecka Agencja Kosmiczna (DLR) wraz z Akademią Morską w Szczecinie organizują Inżynierska Szkołę Letnią w zakresie zastosowania nowoczesnych technologii satelitarnych w inżynierii ruchu morskiego. Zapraszamy chętnych studentów do uczestnictwa w tym wydarzaniu, mogącym pomóc w rozwoju własnej kariery zawodowej.

3-rd DLR Summer School

Neustrelitz-Szczecin 2011

The German Aerospace Center (DLR) is herewith inviting 14 students to take part in a one week Summer School, set in Neustrelitz and Szczecin between 27th June and 2nd July  2011, dedicated to the subject of “Space Technologies for Maritime Traffic Engineering”.

9th International Probabilistic Workshop, to be held 17-18 November 2011 at the Technical University
Braunschweig, Germany. Further details, including an online registration form, can be found at
Please circulate this information to any colleagues who may be interested

We look forward to see you in November in Braunschweig.


8th International Probabilistic Workshop

18 -19 November 2010 Szczecin, Poland

We would like to invite You for the 8-th International Probabilistic Workshop - which will be held in Szczecin from 18 to 19 November 2010.